Fly through drone video for Homeworld Helensvale shopping centre

Drone video for Homeworld Helensvale Shopping Centre flying along side the M1 motorway

Fly through drone video of the Homeworld Helensvale shopping centre 

one of a number of clips requested to capture. add more text and links to other posts related to projects in the area

DroneAce were on location at a construction site next to the Homeworld Helensvale shopping centre (situated on the northern part of the Gold Coast) flying the compact and highly maneuverable Mavic2Pro drone to capture drone photography and  drone video of a new medical centre under development. The drone is the ideal capture platform due to its low noise, small size, 4K RAW video capture mode and ability to take high resolution bracketed photographs.

A number of video clips were captured including slow pans, orbits and fly overs. These clips were to be edited into additional ground video  and then destined for promotion on social media platforms and publishing online for stakeholder engagement.

The following video was captured using the Mavic2Pro 4K H265 DLOG-M video format and the photographs were captured using exposure bracketing and processed using high dynamic range imaging techniques  also known as HDRI (to preserve detail in the shadows as well as the high lights). 

DroneAce are the experts in capturing drone video of construction sites. For more information, call Phil on 0404 840 001.

Fly through drone video at the Homeworld Helensvale Shopping Centre
Fly through drone video at the Homeworld Helensvale Shopping Centre

For more information about the project, please call Phil @ DroneAce on 0404 840 001

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Call 0404 840 001 or email DroneAce today and inquire how we can help you promote your business with attention grabbing drone photography and video.

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